Cheery is now WALKING!! Yes, walking. It may be one of the cutest things you have ever seen, not to mention one of my proudest moments to date:) If you are a parent, you completely understand how proud you are everyday of your child, but the day that they take their first steps, and then figure it all out and actually start walking is amazing!!! It was so neat to see her take a few steps, fall, and get up and try again! She is a VERY tough little girl.
She now says "Mama" when she really needs me ... But 1st word she say PAPA... it's more like "mama-mama-ma-ma-ma-ma" but I'll take it, because I know that she wants me! I don't know what else to say about her, except for she is just great! She is getting so tall and climbing on everything she can see. She has even had her FIRST Thanksgiving Dinner ... which she loved! Here are some recent pictures of her ... ENJOY! :)