
Jul 27, 2011

Our Little Monkey!!! 1 year and 10 months !!!

Jul 26, 2011

Cheery 22 Months

I Will post about what she was up to in her 21 months of life:::::
1- She love acting like she can read menus at the restaurant as well.
2- She love Pop side.
3- Cheery love waking around in to my shoes and her daddy 's shoes.
4- Cheery and Mistuki are so much fun to talk at veranda.
5- She mimics everything!!!! I was putting on makeup she was pretending put on makeup too!! It was the cutest thing i have ever seen....
6- She repeats every thing!!
7- She love bubbles baths!
8- She minds pretty well !!
9- She love to say BYE BYE to every single persons and some time she say Konichiwa..
10- Cheery taught her what a donkey says and it is a funnies and cutest thing i have never seen
11- She also love drinking big girl cups and and using chopstick
Cheery is such as a joy and i feel so very blessed to be her momma....

Jul 14, 2011

I'm 15 weeks Pregnant !!

This is how big the baby is now, NO this not our baby but just a example of size of our little one... So Cool !!!
I wish i could look inside of me and see this...
Not yet don't know Boy or girl mow!!
Cast your vote BOY or GIRL??